
Welcome to the IEMTA Website!

Here you will find, news about IEMTA events, some EM Resources to help you keep up to date, and a calendar to make sure you don’t miss any IEMTA events! If you have any comments or suggestions for the website, feel free to get in touch with us!

β€œThe value of experience is not in seeing much, but in seeing wisely.” – Sir William Osler


IAEM ASM 2024 is fast approaching with many exciting talks and workshops. More information on this can be found on the IAEM website and our Conferences page. However, the IAEM ASM also means several exciting IEMTA events!

The IEMTA AGM will be taking place on Thursday 17th October during the lunchbreak of the ASM. This is a great oppurtunity to meet with other trainees and find out what is going on in IEMTA. It’s opportunity to run for some exciting roles. The roles of President, Treasurer, ASTEM rep, Education officer, and Equality officer are up for grabs.

Nomintations are open here!

The IEMTA dinner will take place on the Thursday evening of the IAEM ASM. AstraZeneca are once again kindly sponsoring a dinner in Danu at the Brehon Hotel, and this is open to all IEMTA members. This will follow a short talk they’re organising from a consultant haematologist.
Tickets have unfortunately Sold Out πŸ™

The annual IEMTA awards look to award the Consultant Trainer of the Year and the Wellbeing Award for the best department. Have you worked with a Consultant who has gone above and beyond for trainees. or have you worked in a department that has really looked out for your wellbeing? Why not nominate them fow an award below.

Trainer of the Year

Wellbeing Award